A Christmas surprise secretly happened in OPPEIN showroom...

This Christmas, OPPEIN created something special...

The three lovely clients are from Ethiopia
They came to OPPEIN in Guangzhou for miles.
The four staff are OPPEIN sales representatives 
in Guangzhou OPPEIN showroom.
They clean up the products 
every morning they start work.
Some of them 
are away from home this Christmas,
Some of them 
just hope that clients have a good experience,
and we
 just wish them all a happy Christmas

When it comes to Christmas decor, 
you can never go wrong 
with brightening up a house
 with a pop of classic red and metallic. 
So we decorated this
 two weeks before Christmas.

We learned about our clients' and staff's Christmas wishes 
from our sales managers.
Then we picked out the gifts
 according to everyone's wish,
and hid where they would open.

Luckily, the Santa Claus from OPPEIN headquarters 
and the exquisitely prepared gifts 
really surprised them.

It is what we expect.

 Where there are family and love 
 there is OPPEIN 



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